mpnl2411 6-B updated: November 13, 2024

Organized Healing

for November 13, 2024

      A Pauwau is a person who cares for the health of the people.

      A Pauwau is a gathering called by the Pauwau to facilitate the healing of the

      To Pauwau is to gather with the people for mutual healing.

      There was a recent mile marker reached in Earth history which may indicate a need for all of the above.

      On Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, not a few, worldwide, experienced a very emotional event. Some welcomed the change. They have been waiting a long time, some their entire life. Others were definitely not happy. Some were unpleasantly surprised. Especially those who thought they were in control. Many, many more, however, are experiencing mixed feelings. And this on a planet where we as a people have agreed [prior to entry] to experience and to learn to manage ever increasing emotional shifts.

      It is also, however, on a world where certain ones have taken it on themselves to control how others live and express their "free" will.

      On a conscious level, many, many are not fully aware of what took place on Nov. 5. However, all know at some level, that a collective decision was made. It may be some time before it is consciously realized by all that this is so. Humanity has decided to be itself, following the blueprint of the Creator and the guidance of the Luminescents and others who wish to assist us on our chosen paths.

      The reason for varied levels of awareness, and hence for diverse levels of pain, is that those few who would control all, have done a great job of educating the many, to think, to forget, to act and to feel in accordance with their desires instead of our own. They have even encouraged us to forget that we are here to master our feelings rather than to be ruled by them.

      We are here to experience feelings and then evaluate whether we wish to re-experience a given situation or go on to something else.

    Healing may be required so that everyone may recover our equilibrium, our balance, and proceed with our collective decision to work together, cooperating with each other in constructing a new society in justice, kindness, prosperity and peace for all.

    To heal, we begin with recognizing and acknowledging where we're at.
        We begin with being grateful for where we are.
        We reaffirm our love for self.
        We forgive1 self for anything and everything for which we are negatively
        judging self.

      When we are comfortable with self, we are then more easily grateful, loving and forgiving to those we care about, as well as others who may challenge us.

      Focusing on the needs of others helps us deal with our own grief by distracting us and reminding us that we have much for which to give thanks. Remember being grateful raises our energy levels and those of our surroundings.

      Be patient with self and others. We have taken thousands of years to reach this point. It may take a little time to change. And the odds are we will all change in different ways which may be very interesting. Some may cease doing certain things, such as refraining from saying what we think, while others may choose to learn new patterns, such as smiling at strangers.

      Our choice.

1. See Forgiveness discussed at

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The Grid of God’s Crosses erected around Anastasis on August 23 is successful.
We thank all participating.

Wanisi do

What can we do? . . . . . What we can do!

Be Grateful Each Day

Love Banishes Fear


cooperation respect equality sharing sovereign non-hierarchal non-judgmental . . . . .

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