mpnl2410 6-A updated: October 13, 2024

Another Look at Information

for October 13, 2024

      With the energy levels of Earth constantly evolving upward it may be useful to reconsider how we view information.

      For this discussion there are 5 types of Information: Facts, Opinions, Questions, Fiction and Lies.

      Facts: a fact is an idea that has been thought and manifested into the physical realm. It is called true, real, non-fiction. E.g., the birth of an infant brings a soul into the physical.

      Opinions: an opinion may or may not reflect facts or be in harmony with truth. They may be attempts to explain what is seen as reality. The perception may be cloudy and/or incomplete. E.g., Robin calls the easy chair blue. Sam insists it is green. They finally agree to compromise. It will now be referred to as turquoise.

      Questions: a question is openly acknowledged as an idea about which much is not known or about which there are many open possibilities, therefore many possible answers.

      Fiction: imagined but may not be physically manifested. Acknowledged as not factual, at least in the current environment. Also known as "make believe". May include sleep dreams which may seem more real than awake observations. Includes novels, science fiction, dramas and some historical accounts. Fiction enables us to see what might be. It is not mis-information. Fiction may also include events which look real but are in fact staged, such as movies and plays. Be aware that the body believes such events are real and reacts accordingly.

      Lies: a lie is a fiction that is a deliberate attempt to modify the perception of another, often in a not so good way. It can be a direct interference in another's free expression. Mark Twain once said there are "lies, damn lies and statistics." Simple lies have many motives. "I'm feeling fine" is considered polite and harmless. Damn lies may be created to deflect attention from a person or agenda which harms rather than benefits others. Lies may also be created to hide what has been done. Fiction may be presented as fact and therefore be a lie. The challenge is there are no secrets. We can sidestep lying with indirect or noncommittal responses.

      Statistics are used by governments or organized groups to justify their non beneficial agendas. Numbers may be used to convey something other than what is being stated. The inflation rate, e.g., is cumulative, i.e., the increase/decrease in inflation is progressive. A 2% increase per month equals 6% in 3 months. This is rarely noted.

      Telepathy facilitates detection of falsehoods. Is this why we are taught we are not telepathic?

    The current trend towards controlling people's expression and creativity is based on fear held by the controllers. Suggested beneficial actions do not need to be justified and/or promoted by lies. Many can see them without prompting.

    Labeling people and ideas can distort the perception of reality. A primary danger is a lack of uniform definition of terms. A person may be labelled dangerous simply because they speak the truth as they see it while another is labelled cooperative because they always agree with a leader. The truth may be labelled false because it is inconvenient. Emotions and preferences may play a significant role in labeling. And the ease of labelling encourages lazy thinking. It is much easier to vote for the red or the blue than to actually determine the results of voting for A, B, C, D, and/or E. It may be beneficial to consider other ways of acting and interacting. An ancient way of making common decisions in North America that was in use until modern times is by consensus.1

    It is important that we be open to hearing the truth. An unwillingness to hear true may keep another from acknowledging what is, to their detriment and perhaps to our mutual loss.

    We are individually and collectively responsible for what we think and how we make our decisions. We must decide the veracity of what we learn. We are responsible for how our decisions impact others and to what we expose self and others.

    We are not to judge ourselves if we misstep. If we do, however, we need to forgive self. And if we judge quickly, we need to forgive quicker.2

    As a universal healing step, we can be grateful for what we see and comprehend as we continue to experience life. Being grateful lifts the heart and raises our frequencies.

      Our choice.

1. See "Government", "Four circles/councils", and "Consensus"
at for an example of how indigenous ran their villages up til modern times in what is now New York State. Scroll down to "Government".
2. See Forgiveness discussed at

Wanisi do

What can we do? . . . . . What we can do!

Be Grateful Each Day

Love Banishes Fear


cooperation respect equality sharing sovereign non-hierarchal non-judgmental . . . . .

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