mpnl2408 6-8 updated: August 13, 2024

Banish the Dark

God and the Cross Project

for August 13, 2024

      The following is about a message from God and the Creator. It is being relayed through Celest and David. It is called "God and the Cross Project." Please read the full message at God and the Cross

      This message is for all good Souls. You may be wondering what you can do to help yourself, relatives, friends, neighbors. all good people, and Anastasis [Earth].

      "God and the Cross Project" gives us a way to transmute the not so good energy, the dark, into beneficial energy, We can, together with all good Souls, build a global grid of the Love of God and the Creator, surrounding, protecting and infusing Anastasis and all living who dwell with her.

      Anastasis has decided she, as a being of Love, is providing an environment of Love. The dark is not welcome. It cannot exist here. The dark cannot co-exist with the Light because the Light, by its nature, banishes the dark. God and the Creator have decided a grid is the best way to honor Earth's choice. Since those of the dark do not respect the free expression of others, it is necessary to erect restraints to keep them from interfering with others. The grid acts as a border, a deterrent to the dark. Dark energy is not permitted to enter.

      What is necessary to create this grid is intent. We must intend to place the cross which is the Love of God, which is God, at all intersecting lines of the grid. We do this by seeing it, visualizing it, imagining the grid encompassing the Earth. We can see it above our heads and under our feet. This visualizing by many good Souls makes it so

      The dark energy that comes near the grid is either repelled or dissipated, that is, it ceases to exist as darkness. It is neutralized, the normal reaction when darkness is exposed to the light.

      Note: the reference to "Jesus the Christ consciousness" is so named because the man Jesus was the first incarnate to become one with the Spirit of the Creator which is Love, which is the Creator's consciousness. Therefore, "Jesus the Christ consciousness" is another name for the Creator's consciousness which is shared by God and all Luminescents [Light beings].

      On Friday, August 23, 2024, at 6pm [1800 hours] local time, good Souls are gathering all over the Earth Star to create a grid of crosses. These crosses are an aspect of God who is Love.

      We are asked to wear a simple cross. This cross serves as an identifier, a catalyst and protection. It is the Mark of God, identifying the wearer as of the Light. Both the crosses and the wearers are catalysts which activate the Matrix of the Cross.

      This is a battle between the dark and the Light for Souls. This Grid will be a battle ground on the 23rd, the 24th and the 25th. We are to infuse this Grid with the Light of All Lights and continue to do so thereafter each time the thought of God comes to mind. This Love/Light Grid will completely surround and infuse Earth. It will repel, dispel, banish, transmute the dark.

      As the dark disappears, Earth is once again the Garden of Eden.

      Our choice.

      We are one.
      This is a project of the Voices of Cyclical Change

Wanisi do

What can we do? . . . . . What we can do!
Remember we are one.

Love Banishes Fear


cooperation respect equality sharing sovereign non-hierarchal non-judgmental . . . . .

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