Change is Certain
You may have heard it said, "There are only 2 things certain in life: death and taxes." We may be coming to realize we do not need taxes. There are other methods available to fund community spending. And death is simply a form of change. We take on a material form. We call it "birth". When we drop the body, our material form, we call it "death". We do not die. We change.
Change is certain. Change is constant. Without change we cease to exist. Change occurs regularly. We, as creative beings, with the ability to freely express ourselves, free will, have the choice of what changes we accept, or not.
Change has been occurring with Anastasis [Earth] since she began. Some 80 plus years ago, she was considering throwing us all off and ending it all in reaction to our choices. She decided to live, however, and asked Creator and the Luminescent responsible for this Universe for help. Both agreed. Divine light is being sent to Earth from all over Creation ever since and she has become Anastasis [the Resurrected].
Those who dwell with her are the beneficiaries of this Light/Love if we accept it.. We can use this energy to raise our own levels. Most humans are in the third through fifth dimensions. We shift into higher dimensions when creating art, music, dance, literature, etc. This is written at an elevated energy level. Holding higher frequencies allows the conception and birthing of children with greater abilities. We shift from one frequency to another with our intent.
Now, however, with the global increase in energy levels, we have new opportunities to collectively raise our frequencies and change the ways we do things.
We can do this through cooperation by joining with others in inventing new ways of doing things for the benefit of all who dwell with Anastasis. With elevated energy levels, it is easier for us to see and comprehend that we are all connected, that whatever we do affects others.
Earth considered self destruction because of our choices. We can now see this clearly and without judging ourselves. We can let go of ego, judging, control, lack and self service; forgive ourselves; and focus on compassion, cooperation and service to others.
We have until now, in places, lived in a society focusing on our own needs and desires. We are learning to express compassion. We are like a town where each person makes their own path to go where they wish. We have grown into a city where we build highways that take us quickly from one point to another, with all moving in the same direction. We have created organized chaos which allows free expression. But we have allowed ones to hold and withhold information for selfish purposes to the detriment of all.
A next step may be to consciously decide to work together to achieve our most fundamental desires and solve the challenges we face.
We can feed and house all. We can provide peaceful habitat for all creatures who dwell with this planet. We can allow all to prosper.
By working together consciously, we provide the energetic boosts for individuals to shift frequencies and surpass their own expectations. We help each other become all that we can be.
And we create a beautiful and joyful world in love and harmony.
For the good of one or the good of all?
Our choice.
Tips to Maintain Health
Forgive self daily Say thank you Breath in thru mouth
Eat best food available Laugh Replace worry with hope
Think positive thoughts Be grateful Sing/listen to good music