mpnl2404 6-6 updated: June 13, 2024


for June 13, 2024

      It has been said that man [which includes woman] has dominion over the rest of material creation.
      It is also said that Creation is one, that all are related. It is further said matter is compressed energy and that energy is not lost or destroyed, only changed.
      What can we glean from these statements?

      The implications of the unity of all Creation, all beings, are several.

      We share a fundamental nature. It is said we are made in the image of the divine. We can reverse engineer this statement by looking at our own physical nature to see what the divine might look like. For instance, there are current estimates that the human body has trillions of cells, ranging from 36-37,000,000,000,000 to over 100 trillion, with an even greater number of bacteria and other organisms being hosted in our human bodies. Considering the idea that the Creator and the ones we call God, contain all the created, we can imagine the divine as being composed of trillions of creatures. We can further see that as our cells co-exist in harmony and mutual support, so too may all created beings. Observing and studying the makeup and operation of the human body can show us how we, as cells in the body of the Creator, can get along with each other.

      As our bodies are wonderfully made, so too are all sentient beings. And all beings are sentient.

      And all is one. All shares the one consciousness.

      As the cells in a body cooperate, all created beings may benefit by choosing to cooperate. This may not, however, be readily apparent as we are here to develop our awareness and comprehension in matter, as spiritual beings having a material experience. To master these experiences we may clearly see the results only after we make our choices. However, we guarantee our cooperation by choosing to do so, by intending to work with each other.

      The Creator is a being of Love/Light. There are other Love/Light beings called Luminescents we sometimes refer to as "gods". Each Universe is the responsibility of one of these Luminescents. We on planet Earth call the prime caretaker of this Universe various names: God, Allah, Elohim, Shiva, Gitchie Manitou, Bactamo. etc.

      Luminescents who cooperate with the Creator have the responsibility to see that their universes keep running in a manner which allows all in it to function according to their nature and choices.

      We humans share in the divine nature of Light/Love. We are made of Light/Love. The only way we can cease to exist as a conscious Self is to diminish this light to a speck which is then absorbed back into the Creator. Energy is never destroyed, never wasted. Only changed.

      We increase/decrease our energy by our choices.

      Being grateful, singing, chanting, smiling raises our energy. Recalling the feeling of love shared with a beloved mate, child, pet raises our vibrations.

      Fear, anger, doubt, worry, anxiety, dehydration, etc., all decrease energy levels.

      Forgiving all perceived wrongs, especially our own, lifts our spirits, The easiest way to forgive self is to reaffirm love of self, then forgive self. Likewise, reaffirming love of another makes forgiving them easier. Two important considerations in forgiving are: [1] God does not judge nor condemn so why do we? and [2] forgiving others primarily benefits us.

      Respecting the right of others to choose their own path enables all of us to better follow our own hearts and achieve our individual as well as group objectives. Daily raising energy levels allows us to better see and follow our path, and to discern how we may cooperate with each other. This cooperation and the respecting of each other’s rights, respecting the rights of all, is the reciprocity which holds our universe together.

      Acting in a reciprocal manner enables us all -- Earth, trees, plants, animals. insects and all creatures to better function. Insects help pollinate plants and remove debris. Trees and other plants remove Carbon Dioxide and pollutants from the air. They provide the Oxygen we breath, as well as food we eat and moisturize the air. They also enrich the soil and remove toxins. We humans care for and assist other creatures.

      And we are most grateful to Earth Mother, Anastasis, who has hosted us from the beginning.

      Interacting with each other and all beings in a helpful and respectful manner is the way of the Creator. It is the way in harmony with the Christ Consciousness which is the Creator's Consciousness.


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