Connected Consciousness
Experiments in Quantum Physics have shown that communications can be instantaneous, i.e., faster than the speed of light, and across vast distances. This tells us many things. One is that we are connected. We can communicate instantly without wires, cell towers or electronic devices to send and receive across the universe. Photons1, DNA, plants, etc. have been used to demonstrate this ability to communicate through space without being limited by time or distance.
The implications are scary and wonderful.
This is how prayer works. Prayers have immediate results. Our thought immediately reaches its destination. We can see that the content and intent of thoughts are important considerations.
This is also the basis for telepathy. Connection is made as we think of another.
Once we connect with another being, we remain connected.
This ability to connect unimpeded is the basis for collective consciousness. This is how we build our world and create our society. Consciously, we may connect through physical means. Spiritually, however, we connect with each other instantly through "space" with all beings affected and/or interested.
It has been said that we vote with our feet. If we don't agree with what is happening, we leave. We move on. It may be a job, a residence, a relationship, or just a situation, etc.
However, more often we vote with our thoughts. This is how majority rules. When the predominant thoughts go in a certain direction, this is what is physically experienced, manifested. What we think, imagine, dream, fear is what we get. This is also why there is such an effort now by some to influence and control the thoughts of others. It is up to each of us to be aware of our own thoughts and to choose ones which are best for us all. We build tomorrow today.