mpnl2403 6-3 updated: Mar 13, 2024

Spring -Time of Renewal

for March 13, 2024

      Spring Equinox is an annual opportunity to let go of what no longer serves to make room for new opportunities in our life. Things, such as high fructose corn syrup, for example, are useless to the body. The brain does not recognize it as sugar. The body sees it as non food. The liver is the only organ able to process it. And its stored form cannot be reconverted into a usable form of energy. It is a prime candidate for elimination.

      We can let go of other items by modifying behaviors. One such area is speech patterns. Replace expressing anger with gratitude, cursing with blessing, etc. We might say, instead of "you need to," try "we may wish to." This increases energy levels by raising the frequency level of thoughts and words we use.
      If we wish to feel a certain way, we can practice it. To be less grumpy, smile more.

      Use the imagination to see "trash" disappearing. Transform. Transmute.
      Everything is energy. Energy transforms into matter. Matter converts back into energy.

      We don't always see this physically. Love, for instance, is more recognized by its effects.

      Vibrations, whether high, low, or in between, are contagious. We are electromagnetic beings. This enables us to affect all around us, all in our vicinity, with our frequencies. We are intersecting fields sharing a larger field we know as "Universe" with its own consciousness. Consciousness is shared. Every thing is part of the one consciousness, part of the Creator. We are never alone. This makes it important to maintain our vibrations as high as we are able.

      Two precursors of dis-ease are physical malfunction and spiritual malfunction. Physical malfunction may result from forces not under our control. It is up to us to recognize this and do what we can to maintain the body.
      Spiritual malfunction however may be a direct cause of physical malfunction. We are always responsible for our spiritual state even if we are being influenced by others.
      We may not be able to control our environment and demands made by others but we do control our response to these. Our choices directly affect our mental, emotional and physical components. We, therefore, control the health of our body. Good health begins with our choices. Even reversal of loss of function is possible.

      Top energy raisers: gratitude, smiling, singing, dancing, followed by breathing, love and anything which relaxes us.

Wanisi do

What can we do?What we can do!
Be Grateful, Smile, Sing, Dance

Love Banishes Fear


cooperation respect equality sharing sovereign non-hierarchal non-judgmental . . . . .

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