Responsible for Our Own Energy
One of the best things we can do for our self and others is to maintain our own energy levels as high as we can. We affect all around us as we share a common field.
Our energy levels are constantly shifting. We are dynamic beings. What does not change, ceases to exist.
In maintaining our energy, we smooth out any rough spots. Lower energy may have us feeling tired or irritated. Higher energy levels feel smoother, more comfortable. As we raise our frequencies, we improve the energy for all.
Maintaining energy levels has two major components: raising our energy daily and restoring our energy whenever it is depleted.
We can raise our frequencies as part of our morning routine. Bathing/showering raises our energy as it cleanses our aura as well as the body. We can assist by viaualizing our aura being refreshed with white light. We can see our aura and body being cleansed with white light as we meditate, smudge, pray, walk, drive, run, etc. We can sing, dance, smile, laugh and recite positive sayings.
Expressing gratitude is a primary and immediate elevator of frequency. The body listens to what it hears and reacts appropriately.
We are in charge of training our mind. We can use certain proven brain washing techniques, such as repeating a phrase until we believe it, if we feel the need.
We can also clear and raise the frequencies of our surroundings.
We can do these practices throughout the day to support our energy levels.
Whenever we have an encounter which causes a drop in frequency we can also take these same steps to raise our energy back to previous levels and above.
As part of fulfilling our responsibility to keep up our energy levels, we can also avoid situations which deplete our energy and the levels around us. We can actively raise the frequency of our surroundings and prevent activities which may deplete energies or lower frequencies. And we can encourage others to do likewise.
Regularly performing the Forgiveness exercise1 is an effective way to elevate our energy. Reaffirming self love and love for others automatically raises our frequency, as does forgiving self and any who may have disturbed us.
Reciting the Jesus the Christ protection mantra may also raise energy levels.
1 For info on the Forgiveness exercise, click here to see