How do we Change our Future? We Modify our Thinking, our Acting.
We look at where we are NOW. We see, imagine, where we wish to go, what we wish to be. We imagine ourselves in the desired situation, the desired "picture". Then we look back to see how we got here.
What behaviors, habits, need to be modified so that we can be what we wish?
Maybe we wish to be in better physical condition. We may see that weighing less and exercising more is the key. A change in actions is necessary.
To change our weight, we may become aware that certain food types increase our poundage, our girth. What can we replace these types with that tastes as good or better, plus are more satisfying and nutritious? Unprocessed food is generally more nutritious and less toxic than manufactured foodstuffs. Modifying eating time may be helpful. Less is more. Eating less of a satisfying food may be more beneficial than eating a lot that doesn't satisfy.
One of the best physical activities is walking. We can increase our walking in a big supermarket or a box store, especially when the weather does not encourage outdoor activity. We can simply walk the whole length and width of a store while buying one or a few items. A little forethought helps here. For those who need some physical support, the available carts supply this, plus offer more exercise while pushing one.
Eating spinach regularly also increases physical strength and stamina.
We see ]imagine] self in the desired condition. We re-program ourselves. We say to self, for example, I am weighing the perfect weight for me. We open our mind to the idea of changing our actions in this regard. And we change.
One of the experiences we are here for is experiencing taking care of and living with a physical body. We are here to master maintaining and using a body. We are not here to grow old and dis-eased. When it is time to leave, we can simply go to sleep and not wake up.
What if we already function perfectly physically? We can use these same means to manifest whatever we wish to see in our life. See clearly what is desired, choose it, focus on it, and get out of our own way to watch it happen.
What can we do? … What we can do!
Send out Prisms of multifaceted multicolored Light and all the Love and Laughter you can muster.
Encircle this world with them, over and over and over.
Wanisi do.
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cooperation respect equality sharing sovereign non-hierarchal non-judgmental
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